Rowan Somerville The End of Sleep

The End of Sleep Rowan Somerville
  • Автор - Somerville Rowan
  • Год: 2009
  • Редактор-составитель - Заличев Никифор
  • Формат - fb2, txt, pdf, epub
  • Обьем книги - 295
  • Художник: Пимен Иванишвили

Информация о книге: The End of Sleep

Fin, an Irish journalist with little more than a rumpled linen suit to his name, wakes at dawn with a fierce hangover and an excruciating bruise on his thigh. As the first prayer call of the day sounds over Cairo, Fin stumbles into an exotic adventure that will take him to the very edge of his courage, his endurance and his sense of self. He seeks a story - a story about treasure - and to find it, he must first find his friend Farouk, the mercurial teller of tales, who alone knows what Fin needs to hear. Fuelled by whisky and a thousand glasses of tea Fin pursues his quest under the shadow of the Great Pyramid, through crowded kebab shops and into the great emptiness of the desert itself. Скачать книгу The End of Sleep от Somerville Rowan в форматах fb2, epub, pdf, txt или читать онлайн! Подробная информация о книге, отзывы, рейтинг и цитаты читателей.

  • Rowan Somerville The End of Sleep

  • Rowan Somerville The End of Sleep
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